Sunday, July 22, 2012

moving on

who says that moving on is easy? don't be ridiculous and accept the fact that it is not. it is never wrong to feel sad when you are heartbroken, hurt, and rejected. but the question is, "until when?"

recently, i have friends having problem with this. been there, and it is really not easy. in fact, its dang hard! physically weak and emotionally crashed.

one thing i learned...

to LOVE is a decision.
to FORGIVE is a decision.
and so is to MOVE ON.
believe it or not, but it is a decision.

if you really want to move on, make a drastic decision and stand by it.
but then, the most effective way is to pray and trust God. FACT.
remember, His grace is enough to make you strong again.

lastly, just a note, 'to love', 'to forgive' and 'to move on' are all verbs. action words.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Way Of The Shepherd by Dr. Kevin Leman and William Pentak

being a shepherd to sheeps and being a manager to your people in the office is the same. authors gave perfect illustrations that everyone can relate. remember, even Jesus Himself tagged himself as our good Shepherd.

i wholeheartedly recommend this book at all leaders, specially those who are in the corporate world. simple but straight to the point.

this is indeed a 10!

quotable quotes:

"people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

"while your strengths reflects your abilities, your heart reflects your passion."

"people with negative attitudes don't have a learner's heart."

"each person you meet is a product of their life experiences."

"a man can sell his integrity for a nickel, but all the money in the world won't buy it back again."

"it's good to stretch ourselves every now and then so that we're always growing... if we don't, we won't know what we're capable of."

"people long to follow a leader who is a person of integrity, authenticity, and compassion. that person will have the loyal following and trust of his people."

"you can't make your mark to the people you lead unless you get up close and personal."

"if you don't feel secure at work, there's no way you can do your best work."

"oftentimes leaders fail to win the loyalty of their people because they lead with the rod rather than the staff."

"you can't be a shepherd who engenders the loyalty and trust of his people."

"great leadership is hard work. more than that, it's unrelenting. those who do it well do so because they are willing to pay the price."

"what makes a shepherd isn't the staff or the rod; it's the heart. what distinguishes a great leader from a mediocre one is that a great leader has a heart for his people."


Saturday, June 23, 2012

*lyrics* you first believed by hoku

how many times did i pray
you'd find me
how many wishes on a star

gazing off into the dark
dreaming i'd see your face
safe at home unafraid
captured in your embrace

so many times
when my heart was broken
visions of you
would keep me strong
you were with me all along
guiding my every step
you are all that i am
and i'll never forget

it was you who first believed
in all that i was made to be
it was you looking in my eyes
you held my hand
and showed me life
and i've never been the same
since you first believed

there were times
when i'd thought i'd lost you
fearing forever was a dream
but it wasn't what it seemed
placing your hand in mine
you could see in the dark
you were guiding my heart

it was you who first believed
in all that i was made to be
it was you looking in my eyes
you held my hand
and you showed me life
and i've never been the same
since you first believed

how many times did i pray
you'd find me
how many wishes on a star

Thursday, June 21, 2012

photographer mode: sunrise

i can't help but share...
this is, if not the BEST, one of the best sunrise i ever seen and shoot. well, i just used my iphone when i took this picture.

i am really amazed at the colors of the sky. too wonderful. btw, no edit at all to this picture.

and once again, i appreciate the greatness of God when i saw this. *speechless*

Jesus is the painter of the sky and this is no doubt one of His amazing work of art :D


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

photographer mode: Pontius

this is my second nephew







Saturday, June 16, 2012

pre - Father's Day

Still reading The Way of the Shepherd and wanna share this part of the book that truly touched my heart.

"One Sunday afternoon after I got my driver's license, I took his car without permission and nearly demolished it. When I got home, Dad was waiting for me. I thought the sky would fall. The first thing he did, however, was grab me and hug me close. I was totally shocked. He had tears in his eyes. Then, of course, about the time I thought I was going to live, I thought he was going to kill me. I never forgot that he hugged me first, though. I had to work the entire summer to pay the car-repair bill, but I always knew it wasn't the car that he cared about. It was me."


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

what faction are you?

all done with Divergent and Insurgent but still can't move on with it. :) i'm pretty sure most if not all who read this books asked themselves what faction they can belong.

here are the 5 factions:
Candor - the faction that value honesty
Dauntless - the faction who tests their bravery by attempting death defying feats
Erudite - the faction who live their lives in the pursuit of knowledge
Amity - the faction who values peace above all else
Abnegation - the faction that values selflessness in the service of others

so, where do you belong? me? honestly? let's see...

just like Tris said in the book, "i cannot be a Candor. i lie to easily." and so am i. i mean, Candor is willing to reveal everything as in every secrets they have in front of everybody just to prove honesty. and i don't think i can do and maintain that.

i can't be Dauntless. i'm not as brave as they are. terrified in heights and i'm too weak to hurt other people. i want to quote what Veronica Roth said in one of her interviews. she said, "Like in the zip line scene -- even if you paid me billions of dollars, i would never do what Tris does in that scene. I don't think i'm a coward, but i don't like to take unnecessary risks." and i agree with her wholeheartedly.

Erudite. nope. i am not the type of person that's so curious in almost anything and everything. i love to read books. fiction books not mind-blowing books like encyclopedias, history, math, physics books.

Amity. i am peaceful. who loves arguments? isn't it peace is a great thing? i can fit here. what i don't like though in this faction is, they sound so pathetic. always neutral. doesn't want to involve themselves just to maintain peace.

ok, i think i can fit in Abnegation. but can i really? always thinking about other people's welfare to the point of ignoring your own. but with that kind of initiation, yeah, i think i can survive this one.

but then, i am thankful that we are living in a world where we can be members of this 5 factions in any given time and situation. no initiation. no need to prove yourself.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

this is the second part of the Divergent series.

i suggest, you read this book more attentively. personally speaking, i feel like i'm reading a war documentary like Saving Private Ryan (i know it is a movie. so turn that into a book). and i am not a fan of war stories. that's why i like Insurgent less than Divergent. but still, i am itching for the 3rd book.

if you read the Divergent, you know there's a war started by Erudite with the help of Dauntless leaders, controlling the entire Dauntless population to kill mercilessly all Abnegation.

the reason?

Abnegation leaders is having a top secret they kept for years to every factions. and they are now decided to reveal that secret. Erudite leader stole that information to them and do desperate act to stop that plan of Abnegation through killing their leaders and members.

Abnegation (selfless) - from the start they're helping the factionless through giving them foods and other stuffs they need. one, becacuse they are selfless thinking the welfare of others and that includes the factionless. but what's the other reason?

Erudite (intelligent) - they want a new government, one that is not mostly run by Abnegation leaders. using their intelligence to manipulate the entire population. if they succeed, they will have the power to rulte, making everyone under them to obey everything they want. did they succeed in creating a new government?

Dauntless (brave) - this group also wants a new government but unlike the Erudite, they don't want to eliminate the entire Abnegation. and this caused this group to be divided. others take side to Erudite, considered traitors while others wants to stop whatever Erudite leader is planning to do. since the latter half is underman, they asked help with factionless. why? what factionless have that other factions doesn't have?

Candor (honest) - they served as shelter to the surviving Abnegation and Dauntless. to pursue complete honesty, what are the personal secrets they forced the main characters to reveal to everyone?

Amity (peaceful) - this is the group that do not participate in any problem or issues that is happening to their surroundings just to maintain peace. they don't have leaders so decisions are made through votes of every member. will they continue their uninvolvement and maintain neutral?

you'll get the answers to all these questions if you read the book. so go! :)

quotable quotes:

"like a wild animal, the truth is too powerful to remain caged." - from the Candor manifesto

"sometimes, people just want to be happy, even if it's not real" - Four

"grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you" - Tris

"i can't imagine living the way he does -- always keeping track of who gave me what and what i should give them in return, incapable of love or loyalty or forgiveness, a one-eyed man with a knife in hand, looking for someone else's eye to poke out. that isn't life. it's some paler version of life." - Tris

"do not call attention to yourself. it is not courteous to the people around you." - mr. Prior

"we share a common enemy, but does that makes us friends?" - Tris

"people, i have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. you believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. you will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them." - Tris


Monday, June 11, 2012

photowalk manila - day one: UST

University of Santo Tomas (UST) is the oldest existing university in Asia stablished 1611. Last year, 2011 they celebrated their 400 years anniversary. quadricentennial. pretty old and historic right? :)

i am blessed that i live a few steps away from this university that's why i decided to start my photowalk here. btw, this is not my alma mater but my mom and sister-in-law. also, my sister is currently studying here, starting her college life :)

this is the UST church. one of the oldest church in the Philippines.

the main entrance welcoming you with what they call "Arch of the Centuries"


this is the main building. yep, the main building, not the church. don't be confused. :) i believe this is the most famous landmark here in UST.

their stage, their 400 years symbol, school bus, etc.


of course... what is a university without... students! :)


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Divergent by Veronica Roth

this is the only book (aside from Bible) that i read again right after i finished it. simply because it is really good. what's so amazing is, even as i read it the second time around, i am not bored. i still like it that much.

characters are divided into 5 groups according to what really they are:

Candor - the honest
Abnegation - the selfless
Dauntless - the brave
Amity - the peaceful
Erudite - the intelligent

every 16 year olds will face a difficult decision to choose what group/faction they will go and give their loyalty. choosing other faction means leaving their families behind. 16 years olds -- sounds like Hunger Games? kinda. but here, they'll just choose and give a very tough decision, not to kill just to survive.

so from the 5 groups listed, where is the "Divergent" comes from? that's what you need to know as you read on.

action packed. friendship. family. decisions. loyalty. love.

i love the romance between... oppss... i don't want to give any spoilers.

one note. there's a part of the book that is very similar to Naruto (not the character but the series). the initiation process in this book is pretty much the same as the Chunin Exam in Naruto. if you're also a fan of the anime, you'll get the picture.

and of course, since this is a series book, there are lots of questions in your mind after you finished this. you'll definitely crave for the next book which is the Insurgent.

quotable quotes:

"it must require bravery to be honest all the time" - Beatrice

"extravagance is considered self-indulgetn and unnecessary" - Beatrice

"we believe that preparation eradicates cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear" - Four

"mom used to say that politeness is deception in pretty packaging" - Christina

"a brave man acknowledges the strength of others" - Four

"but becoming fearless isn't the point. that's impossible. it's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, THAT'S the point" - Four

"human reason can excuse any evil; that is why it's so important that we don't rely on it." - mr. prior

"the goal of my life isn't just... to be happy" - Tris

"a calm mind is a clear mind" - Erudite faction manifesto


Monday, June 4, 2012

dot com team goes to Binondo

late post. this was last May 30, 2012


i love tea :)

...isang daang taon ng saya...

my dot com team

some binondo goodies


one choice

i am reading again the book Divergent. such a good book. entertaining indeed. (review/comment in few days).

at the back cover of the book, it says:
one choice decides your friends.
one choice defines your beliefs.
one choice determines your loyalties - forever.
one choice can transform you.

as i continue to read the book, a thought suddenly pops up to my mind.
one of Ptr. Ryan Tan's new year preaching (forgot what year), he said something like "every decision you make will define what year you will have." so true.
single decisions can turn your life upside down.

a make or break decisions.
now tell me, who wants to make a mistake in times like this?
though we don't have "choosing ceremony" as the characters in book Divergent have, i believe we can all relate on making tough decisions.

in crucial times as this, how are we going to respond? how to choose the right decision?


"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." - James 1:5 NIV

'nuff said. pray and stay in faith.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger

i like this book. and i think i am now a fan of Lauren Weisberger.
her books are for ladies. yes. i don't recommend this much to gents. well, maybe if you guys somehow wants to know how a Y-chromosome human thinks. you can get some idea to her books. :)

The Devil Wears Prada talks much about fashion and fame. designer clothes, shoes, accessories, in short: how a sophisticated lady looks like. but i am not like that. i mean, i don't enjoy much about that stuff. so when i read the book, it is like just a 6 for me if i will rank it 1-10 10 as the highest.

Stop right here if you have plan to read this book Everyone Worth Knowing or currently reading it. spoilers ahead. you've been warned.

here's some points why i enjoyed reading this book:

1. romance. i love how Lauren "handles" romance on her books. mushy, yes, but you won't expect "and they live happily ever after" ending like Stephenie Meyer did to Twilight series. in fact, in The Devil Wears Prada, Andrea and her boyfriend split. and at the end of the book, they are having a meal catching up with one another as friends. here in Everybody Worth Knowing, Bette and Sammy somehow in cool-off status due to Sammy's busyness on his newly started restaurant. they don't have any communication for months but at the end of the book, Sammy along with everyone important to Bette's life sets up a surprise birthday party for her.

what am i saying? both books did not end up the couple still together but there's a hope of reconciliation or to continue the relationship. Lauren's books are not the typical romance books you will read.

2. dreams. pursuing what you really want to do with your life. live a life not just merely surviving. with all honesty, when i read the first quote below (and the entire conversation on the book), it made me think really hard and that's the reason why i re-started this blog. i love to read books.

3. party = job. to party, dance, get drunk, meet celebrities, be sent to other country and live a VIP life and get paid as your job? for real?! is this really happening to real world? don't know. not sure. but that's Bette's job in this book after she quits as a bank employee.

some quotes/lines i like:

"Cute, very cute. It's nothing against banking, darling, I think you know that. It's a fine, respectable career -- I'd rather see you doing that than any of those hippie-dippy-save-the-world jobs your parents would recommend -- but you just seem so young to lock yourself into something so boring. You should be out there meeting people, going to parties, enjoying being young and single in New York not tied down to a desk in a bank. What do you want to do?" - Will talking to Bette

"in acceptance there is peace" - printed not sure if on a shirt or apron

"you quit your job. congratulations! welcome to the wonderful world of adult irresponsibility. things don't always go according to plan, you know." - Will talking to Bette

"if patience was what it took, then patience was what i had." - Bette


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lady Gaga issue

ok, this one is for Christians/Catholics (as i am not very aware for Muslim beliefs).

tomorrow and next day (May 21-22, 2012) will be Lady Gaga's concert here in Manila. we already heard the petitions to stop this. merely because of "demonic" lyrics from her songs and the "immorality" she's showing through her outfits, dance steps, and her way of life.

well, as a Christian, my take here is: let's keep things simple and peaceful.

i believe God gave us all free will and wisdom. Christian people: if you think Lady Gaga's songs are "demonic" and it somehow stumbles you as a person, simply avoid her songs. don't sing it. don't even listen it to. meaning, don't download her songs, don't buy her albums, don't watch her videos, don't follow her on twitter. AVOID HER BY ALL MEANS.

ok, i can hear and feel you. of course we are concern with our youths who we believe are more "influenced" by Lady Gaga. you really are concern? go and disciple them! go to campuses and share the gospel of God. that's why we have church. that's why we are here as Christians. do you feel "threaten" that Lady Gaga can influence them more than Bible?

please don't get me wrong. i am not pro or anti Lady Gaga but i think we are being biased. why isolate her? yes, we know her and her songs. but does anyone checked the lyrics and songs of other artists that performed here in Manila? did we checked their "lifestyles" and their backgrounds before we allow them to perform here? why are we allowing tv channels, series and movies that we think promotes sex, violence and other "demonic" stuff?

personally speaking, i won't recommend though for youth/kids to listen to her songs and watch her videos. honestly, i even told my nieces to stop watching music channels because i believe it won't give any good for them. (thank God they obeyed).

there's a post in twitter that i liked. says: "Just enjoy Lady Gaga, the artist. You're giving the devil too much credit." - @HecklerForever

everyone know this verse, now it's up for you to decide if you're going to Lady Gaga's concert tomorrow.
"Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive." - 1 Corinthians 10:23

at the end of the day, what matters most is your relationship with God. let His wisdom guide every decision you will make. pray and be in faith. God bless us all!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

mr. 21

when i started to watch NBA, there's one player that caught my attention and from that day on started to be a fan of Timothy Theodore Duncan. Tim. Timmy. TD. The Big Fundamental.

Timmy was not born as a basketball player. he started as a swimmer. it was his goal when he's young to be an olympic swimmer. but because of a hurricane that destoyed the swimming pool in their area, he started to play ball. and reached his goal to be an olympic player. not as a swimmer but as a basketball player.

simplicity. not a flashy or a high flyer player but he is effective. and excels.
humility. soft spoken and never brags about himself.
consistency. his stats says it all.
loyalty. from rookie until i think he retires, he'll stay to only one team: San Antonio Spurs.
leadership. just look at Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili. the great trio in NBA history. see how Timmy encourage, teach, cheer his teammates.

in NBA... this is who Timmy is:

  • 1st round pick

  • Rookie of the Year

  • 13 times NBA All Star (yes, 13 times)

  • 1 All Star game MVP

  • 9 times All-NBA first team

  • 3 times All-NBA second team

  • 8 times All-Defensive first team

  • 5 times All-Defensive second team

  • 2 season MVP (back to back)li>
    3 Finals MVP
  • 4 championship rings


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

F.A.Q. week 2 - How Do I Know God's Will?

preached by Ptr. Gilbert Foliente (senior pastor of Victory Ubelt)

F.A.Q. stands for Frequently Asked Questions. and based on the survey pastors made what topic does members of Victory wants to tackle with, it is God's Will that ranked 1. so this series is about discovering God's Will over our lives. here's some notes on the week 2 of the series.

"How Do I Know God's Will?" or "How Do I Know What God Wants For My Life?"
but the more important question is "WHY Do I Need To Know God's Will?"

"Act like people with good sense and not like fools. These are evil times, so make every minute count. Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do." - Ephesians 5:15-17 CEV

ways God can sometimes reveal His will:
1. gifts and talents - it's pretty obvious what or where you're good at
2. circumstances - open doors given or you encountered
3. prophesy
4. dreams - though this is very rare

but since sometimes, things are subjective. so we can test the "will" of God given to us:


"When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice." - John 10:4 NIV

**God is a communicative God. He loves to talk to us. But the problem is most of the time we are not listening to Him.

**God comes (speaks) through the Holy Spirit.

"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."" - Acts 13:2 NIV

**Learn to live a spirit led life.

2. GOD'S WORD (Bible)
**God's will is backed up by God's Word.

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." - Psalm 119:105 NIV


"The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice." - Proverbs 12:15 NIV

**Everything looks good to us until somebody corrects us. everyone have blind spots. we all need godly advice/corrections.

**Problem is, we're not willing to follow.

**God does not give us direction just for our consideration but for our participation. He wants us to do it when He reveals it to us.

**Life is a journey. Every decision is like a stepping stone.
**will you follow God's will or will you follow your own will?

"Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." - Proverbs 3:6 NLT

**consequences are: injury/death or fulfilling the destiny. your choice.

"Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do." - Ephesians 5:17 CEV

**God reveals His will for our lives so we can make wise decisions that will eventually lead you to your destination.

"A person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?" - Proverbs 20:24 NIV

**sometimes you feel like you are not stepping forward but backwards. you feel "defeated". we need to understand that sometimes, that step backwards will lead you to right steps. do not be discourage and continue to seek His will. continue to obey.

listen the preachings here: podcast
verses are from Biblegateway


Avengers: world's mightiest heroes

rate 1-10, 10 as the highest. mine is.... 15!!!!

me and my brothers grew up watching (sometimes reading comics) marvel characters. we are indeed marvel fans. from xmen to fantastic four to avengers and other individual characters. so you can imagine how excited i am to watch this movie.

thank goodness, i am so happy and satisfied with it. action packed and at the same time comedy. i love the reactions of the viewers on the cinema when i first watched it (yes, i watched it twice).

each character have their own "attitude" issues. LOL. their arrogance and at the same time their heart to help others and be a "team" even if they don't want to work with each other. hahaha...

i love them all but Thor leaped a few inch for me. one, he's definitely.... hot! two, Chris Hemsworth perfectly represents the role of Thor. his built and his acting is superb.

hmmm... about Capt. America... i like Chris Evans too but i don't think he represents the comic Capt. America to the movie, both in the Capt. America solo movie and here in Avengers. i can say Chris Evans is perfect for his role as Human Torch in Fantastic Four, but not as Steve Rogers. if i can suggest someone i'll say Josh Duhamel. don't get me wrong, Chris Evans is a great actor and he did great in Avengers and Capt. America. just a piece of opinion, hope he sticked with his Human Torch role.

there are lots of lines/scenes i laughed and really love. here are some:

Agent Phil Coulson: [dying] You're gonna lose.
Loki: [sneering] Am I?
Agent Phil Coulson: It's in your nature.
Natasha Romanoff: [discussing of attacking Loki] But he's a god!
Steve Rogers: Ma'am, there's only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.
Bruce Banner: I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him.
Thor: I care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother.
Natasha Romanoff: He killed eighty people in two days.
Thor: He's adopted.
Loki: [Hulk throws Loki through a window into the Stark Tower penthouse] ENOUGH! You are, all of you, beneath me. I am a god you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by....
The Hulk: [Hulk grabs Loki by the legs and smashes him against the floor repeatedly] Puny god.
Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?
Tony Stark: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.


Moral Lesson: even how much you love and like the movie, nothing beats the first time you seen it. so i suggest, give full attention and enjoy the movie 100% when you watch it and don't repeat the movie at your own expense (if its free then Go for it).


Sunday, May 6, 2012

fall of Mavs

defending champs. entered playoffs number 7th in standings. fall first round. sweeped.

as a Mav fan, it hurts so bad to see your team in this scenario. yes, there's a reason to be broken hearted.

i am not good in numbers and i am not a basketball analyst so i'll give my opinion on what a regular fan sees.

this team is strong. and i mean it. with great players like Dirk Nowitski, Jason Kidd, Vince Carter, Brandan Wright, Jason Terry, Delonte West and a very versatile athlete Shawn Marion (yes, i love this man), to name a few, this team can definitely defend their title.

so what went wrong?

i'll say... wrong decisions and unprofessionalism.

wrong decision to give up their last season's players like Tyson Chandler and JJ Barea.

unprofessionalism to Lamar Odom. yes, mr. Lamar, obviously Mavs needs you that's why they get you in to the team. and i believe Mavs Nation welcomed you. who would not? everyone knows your strength and that you can contribute to the team big. but you disappoint everyone BIG TIME.

watching Lamar's defense when he was still playing in Lakers, you could say that he and Chandler is almost equal. that's the reason (i think) why Mavs gamble to give up Chandler.

UNFORTUNATELY, Lamar's games to Dallas is unbelievably disappointing. watching him played in Mavs, you could honestly say "this is not Lamar Odom". maybe actions speaks really louder than words. he may not say it out loud but it is pretty obvious he doesn't want to play as a Mav. his attitude, his inconsistencies, and his unprofessionalism led him to D-League and eventually pulled him back to Mavs' lineup because they desperately need a help from him. but in the end, finally, mr. Lamar and Mavs part their ways. for good.

again, as a fan, i am not mad to Lamar Odom himself. i believe that as a person and as a player, everybody has a choice what jersey he want to wear, teammates he wants to play with, and team he wants to give his loyalty and dedication (right JET?) i just hoped mr. Lamar made it clear in the first place that Dallas Mavericks is not the team for him. in doing that, he might prevented hurting his name, his teammates, coaching staff, fans and the league itself. smh!

now Mavs, bring back Chandler. lol :) #mffl


Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 NBA's Defensive Player of the Year

Top 10 finishers in Defensive Player of the Year voting:

1. T. Chandler
2. S. Ibaka
3. D. Howard
4. L. James
5. K. Garnett
6. T. Allen
7. A. Iguodala
8. S. Marion
9. L. Deng
10. J. Smith


i really can't believe this list. Tyson Chandler is deserving. no questions asked. but 'Trix on 8th?!! what stats these people based their votes? are they even watching Mavs' games? did they checked Kobe or Durant's stats everytime 'Trix guarded them? do they know that Marion can guard any position effectively? SMH!

sorry, i'm just sad and at the same time so disappointed on the outcome. really didn't expect this. i hope they'll take time to notice Shawn Marion.

'Trix, you have my support with or without that award, win or lose, healthy or injured, good or bad times. #ninjalove



Monday, April 23, 2012

photographer mode LRT 2 version

this is as if my first time to ride LRT2. :)
