Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

this is the second part of the Divergent series.

i suggest, you read this book more attentively. personally speaking, i feel like i'm reading a war documentary like Saving Private Ryan (i know it is a movie. so turn that into a book). and i am not a fan of war stories. that's why i like Insurgent less than Divergent. but still, i am itching for the 3rd book.

if you read the Divergent, you know there's a war started by Erudite with the help of Dauntless leaders, controlling the entire Dauntless population to kill mercilessly all Abnegation.

the reason?

Abnegation leaders is having a top secret they kept for years to every factions. and they are now decided to reveal that secret. Erudite leader stole that information to them and do desperate act to stop that plan of Abnegation through killing their leaders and members.

Abnegation (selfless) - from the start they're helping the factionless through giving them foods and other stuffs they need. one, becacuse they are selfless thinking the welfare of others and that includes the factionless. but what's the other reason?

Erudite (intelligent) - they want a new government, one that is not mostly run by Abnegation leaders. using their intelligence to manipulate the entire population. if they succeed, they will have the power to rulte, making everyone under them to obey everything they want. did they succeed in creating a new government?

Dauntless (brave) - this group also wants a new government but unlike the Erudite, they don't want to eliminate the entire Abnegation. and this caused this group to be divided. others take side to Erudite, considered traitors while others wants to stop whatever Erudite leader is planning to do. since the latter half is underman, they asked help with factionless. why? what factionless have that other factions doesn't have?

Candor (honest) - they served as shelter to the surviving Abnegation and Dauntless. to pursue complete honesty, what are the personal secrets they forced the main characters to reveal to everyone?

Amity (peaceful) - this is the group that do not participate in any problem or issues that is happening to their surroundings just to maintain peace. they don't have leaders so decisions are made through votes of every member. will they continue their uninvolvement and maintain neutral?

you'll get the answers to all these questions if you read the book. so go! :)

quotable quotes:

"like a wild animal, the truth is too powerful to remain caged." - from the Candor manifesto

"sometimes, people just want to be happy, even if it's not real" - Four

"grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you" - Tris

"i can't imagine living the way he does -- always keeping track of who gave me what and what i should give them in return, incapable of love or loyalty or forgiveness, a one-eyed man with a knife in hand, looking for someone else's eye to poke out. that isn't life. it's some paler version of life." - Tris

"do not call attention to yourself. it is not courteous to the people around you." - mr. Prior

"we share a common enemy, but does that makes us friends?" - Tris

"people, i have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. you believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. you will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them." - Tris


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