Thursday, May 24, 2012

Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger

i like this book. and i think i am now a fan of Lauren Weisberger.
her books are for ladies. yes. i don't recommend this much to gents. well, maybe if you guys somehow wants to know how a Y-chromosome human thinks. you can get some idea to her books. :)

The Devil Wears Prada talks much about fashion and fame. designer clothes, shoes, accessories, in short: how a sophisticated lady looks like. but i am not like that. i mean, i don't enjoy much about that stuff. so when i read the book, it is like just a 6 for me if i will rank it 1-10 10 as the highest.

Stop right here if you have plan to read this book Everyone Worth Knowing or currently reading it. spoilers ahead. you've been warned.

here's some points why i enjoyed reading this book:

1. romance. i love how Lauren "handles" romance on her books. mushy, yes, but you won't expect "and they live happily ever after" ending like Stephenie Meyer did to Twilight series. in fact, in The Devil Wears Prada, Andrea and her boyfriend split. and at the end of the book, they are having a meal catching up with one another as friends. here in Everybody Worth Knowing, Bette and Sammy somehow in cool-off status due to Sammy's busyness on his newly started restaurant. they don't have any communication for months but at the end of the book, Sammy along with everyone important to Bette's life sets up a surprise birthday party for her.

what am i saying? both books did not end up the couple still together but there's a hope of reconciliation or to continue the relationship. Lauren's books are not the typical romance books you will read.

2. dreams. pursuing what you really want to do with your life. live a life not just merely surviving. with all honesty, when i read the first quote below (and the entire conversation on the book), it made me think really hard and that's the reason why i re-started this blog. i love to read books.

3. party = job. to party, dance, get drunk, meet celebrities, be sent to other country and live a VIP life and get paid as your job? for real?! is this really happening to real world? don't know. not sure. but that's Bette's job in this book after she quits as a bank employee.

some quotes/lines i like:

"Cute, very cute. It's nothing against banking, darling, I think you know that. It's a fine, respectable career -- I'd rather see you doing that than any of those hippie-dippy-save-the-world jobs your parents would recommend -- but you just seem so young to lock yourself into something so boring. You should be out there meeting people, going to parties, enjoying being young and single in New York not tied down to a desk in a bank. What do you want to do?" - Will talking to Bette

"in acceptance there is peace" - printed not sure if on a shirt or apron

"you quit your job. congratulations! welcome to the wonderful world of adult irresponsibility. things don't always go according to plan, you know." - Will talking to Bette

"if patience was what it took, then patience was what i had." - Bette


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