Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lady Gaga issue

ok, this one is for Christians/Catholics (as i am not very aware for Muslim beliefs).

tomorrow and next day (May 21-22, 2012) will be Lady Gaga's concert here in Manila. we already heard the petitions to stop this. merely because of "demonic" lyrics from her songs and the "immorality" she's showing through her outfits, dance steps, and her way of life.

well, as a Christian, my take here is: let's keep things simple and peaceful.

i believe God gave us all free will and wisdom. Christian people: if you think Lady Gaga's songs are "demonic" and it somehow stumbles you as a person, simply avoid her songs. don't sing it. don't even listen it to. meaning, don't download her songs, don't buy her albums, don't watch her videos, don't follow her on twitter. AVOID HER BY ALL MEANS.

ok, i can hear and feel you. of course we are concern with our youths who we believe are more "influenced" by Lady Gaga. you really are concern? go and disciple them! go to campuses and share the gospel of God. that's why we have church. that's why we are here as Christians. do you feel "threaten" that Lady Gaga can influence them more than Bible?

please don't get me wrong. i am not pro or anti Lady Gaga but i think we are being biased. why isolate her? yes, we know her and her songs. but does anyone checked the lyrics and songs of other artists that performed here in Manila? did we checked their "lifestyles" and their backgrounds before we allow them to perform here? why are we allowing tv channels, series and movies that we think promotes sex, violence and other "demonic" stuff?

personally speaking, i won't recommend though for youth/kids to listen to her songs and watch her videos. honestly, i even told my nieces to stop watching music channels because i believe it won't give any good for them. (thank God they obeyed).

there's a post in twitter that i liked. says: "Just enjoy Lady Gaga, the artist. You're giving the devil too much credit." - @HecklerForever

everyone know this verse, now it's up for you to decide if you're going to Lady Gaga's concert tomorrow.
"Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive." - 1 Corinthians 10:23

at the end of the day, what matters most is your relationship with God. let His wisdom guide every decision you will make. pray and be in faith. God bless us all!


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