Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Way Of The Shepherd by Dr. Kevin Leman and William Pentak

being a shepherd to sheeps and being a manager to your people in the office is the same. authors gave perfect illustrations that everyone can relate. remember, even Jesus Himself tagged himself as our good Shepherd.

i wholeheartedly recommend this book at all leaders, specially those who are in the corporate world. simple but straight to the point.

this is indeed a 10!

quotable quotes:

"people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

"while your strengths reflects your abilities, your heart reflects your passion."

"people with negative attitudes don't have a learner's heart."

"each person you meet is a product of their life experiences."

"a man can sell his integrity for a nickel, but all the money in the world won't buy it back again."

"it's good to stretch ourselves every now and then so that we're always growing... if we don't, we won't know what we're capable of."

"people long to follow a leader who is a person of integrity, authenticity, and compassion. that person will have the loyal following and trust of his people."

"you can't make your mark to the people you lead unless you get up close and personal."

"if you don't feel secure at work, there's no way you can do your best work."

"oftentimes leaders fail to win the loyalty of their people because they lead with the rod rather than the staff."

"you can't be a shepherd who engenders the loyalty and trust of his people."

"great leadership is hard work. more than that, it's unrelenting. those who do it well do so because they are willing to pay the price."

"what makes a shepherd isn't the staff or the rod; it's the heart. what distinguishes a great leader from a mediocre one is that a great leader has a heart for his people."


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